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Hello, and why

Welcome to my website which serves as home to photographs / scans of drawings, paintings and some silly cartoons I've produced (on and off) since around 1975. Also included are some contributions from my dear and much missed brother Nicholas, (see later). A Blog reflects random observations, rarely if ever linked to any of the art work, including Covid-19 Bike Trips and some commentary on my allotment. The main objective is to bring these pictures together in one place, get them seen by a wider audience than me and my Mum, enjoy a constructive dialogue  with visitors, and continue to add new material and improve.

Dust and cobwebs

At the time of writing brings together over a hundred drawings and paintings which, with two exceptions in crayon ... cough ... have been produced since the mid-70s. Some of the older material was rescued from dark, dusty and sometimes damp or cobwebbed corners in family attics, garages and cupboards, and in a few cases unfortunately it shows. At an average of around three pictures a year the numbers aren't exactly prolific, though a self-inflicted cull where I weighed them all up, new and old, for either inclusion here, or a return to obscurity, put paid to at least half of the original number. I haven't counted the cartoons but I think they outnumber the drawings and paintings, and they too were subjected to "weeding". No doubt I have wavered here and there in my judgement, and you may find yourself wondering how bad a picture had to be to get excluded. 

Apart from art

I  feel I should explain a couple of particularly "quiet" periods where I managed to produce staggeringly few, if any, drawings, paintings or cartoons. First was the four or so years immediately after my Art Foundation Course, between 1975 and 1980, when I didn't exactly push on in the world of art. Instead I spent the next eighteen months in Stafford as a Trainee Accountant, (naturally); then I took a "year out" working on a kibbutz in Israel; concluding this period with about eighteen months back in Stafford working as a Computer Operator. The first rung of my career in IT, this allowed me to relocate to London where in my spare time, (or some of it), I rediscovered an appetite for drawing and painting. At about eighteen years in length, from the late 80s to the mid-noughties, the second "lull" was considerably longer, although unlike the late 70s I did actually manage to turn out some pictures. My main focus during this time was getting married, and becoming a proud Dad to two daughters. Now they're all grown up, (how did that happen so quickly?), and since my retirement on August 31st 2018 I find myself with more time. Now it's a question of inspiration.

A shout for my daughters, and Mick and John

This site was built towards the end of 2019 into 2020 using the Wix website editor. Most of the content pre-dates it's creation, having previously appeared in three Google Blogs which, now moth-balled, were separately home to most of the material here. The decision to migrate from that free but limited set-up to a more sophisticated website was based upon encouragement and support from my daughters Zoë and Caitlin, and friends Mick Gorton and John Royle, and consequently a better understanding of access to richer functionality, the potential for improved internet exposure, easier user navigation and a better all round user experience. My thanks then to them for generously giving their time and sharing their knowledge.

Looking forward

From a content point of view I hope this website is far from finished. I'm not sure I can say the same for the design and functionality of the site itself. Wix alone provide many Apps, such as the Gallery used here, and in the future I may take a closer look at some of the others which include social tools for sharing and automated alerts for updates. A number of companies offer the option of an online shop for selling artwork - see later.


Pictures appear here drawn / painted by my late brother during weekly sessions with the art group at New Direction in Stafford. He received excellent support from staff there, including Kim Walker, and derived a great deal of satisfaction from being involved in the creation of an end product that he could take home and show to his Mum, family and friends. R.I.P. Nicholas, who passed away on July 12th 2021. 


A word of warning

The cartoons are all nonsense, and shouldn't be taken seriously. This said, you may find one or two of them a bit, erm,  wince-inducing, and I apologise in advance if any cause offence. Fingers crossed some raise a smile, though I suspect a groan is more likely. If you find yourself laughing at my drawings and / or paintings then that's not so great, though to be fair you might be looking at my attempt at a self portrait! 

For now​

I hope you find something you like here, and that you come back from time-to-time to check for new stuff. 

To finish, or maybe not ...

I find the hardest part of doing a drawing or a painting is knowing when to stop. I think that's why I rather like a quote I heard from John Cooper Clark who in an interview in 2018 said "No poem is ever finished, it is merely abandoned", conceding an inclination to rework or tweak parts of old poems before recitals. I should perhaps add that quite a number of people are credited with this quote, and similar, including Leonardo Da Vinci for art specifically. 

David, January 6th 2020 

Constructive comments on website design or content are welcome. You can use the form below if you like, and I'll get back.


Me, around 2020-ish

Thank you. Message sent.

Update February 21st 2021



Blow me down! Late afternoon on January 18th 2021 I became a shopkeeper, of sorts, when the art-beat online shop opened on Redbubble.  Discomfort at the prospect of inviting people, especially friends, to spend money on my artwork finally paled when set against the opportunity to donate any earnings to charity, (see Good Causes later). Other concerns loomed in the form of image quality, consistency and ultimately confidence in the end product and customer satisfaction. Image quality is down to me. I thought the drawing or painting was the hard bit, but there's so much involved in getting the photography right: good lighting is so important, and harder to achieve than I thought. I've also learned more about photo editing software. Fortunately for me aforementioned friends Mick and John know a thing or two about building and maintaining web-sites, and photography, and again have been helping out. I think it's fair to say without their involvement this web-site would be considerably poorer, and the online shop simply wouldn't exist. 

Early days

As at February 21st 2021 there are over one hundred and fifty cartoons, drawings and paintings from art-beat in the Redbubble shop, each of which can be reproduced on products ranging from T-shirts to mugs; pillow cases to shower curtains; drawing pin heads to face masks; (good grief); and more. 


Minimum, and default, product cost is defined by Redbubble, who take 80% of any given sale, leaving the artist with 20%. This baulked at first, but turns out to be pretty standard across the industry, and all products relating to the art-beat website are set at this minimum, default cost. To be fair to Redbubble they run the business, provide the infrastructure and the products, process customer requests and handle deliveries and any returns. I should add the artist is at liberty to increase the price of a given product by increasing his / her percentage take, whereupon Redbubble maintain the equivalent take of the default 80% by reducing their percentage accordingly.

Good Causes

The intention is that any money made, (that 20%), will be shared equally between four charities that were close to Mum's heart, namely the aforementioned New Directions in Stafford; Riding for the Disabled in Ingestre; Oak Tree Farm Rural Project near Stone for people with learning difficulties;  and last but not least, OakLea House Residential Care Home in Tittensor. All were hugely important parts of Nicholas' life, and remain so for others like him, as creative and social outlets, and for enriching their lives as well as those of their carers. 

What Next?

Work continues on populating the shop. If anyone is interested in buying a picture that's on the art-beat website but not available on Redbubble please contact me and I will sort it out. Likewise, if there's an image already on Redbubble that you'd like "tweaked", such as with text added or removed, please let me know and I'll see what I can do. 

Grey Squiggle

The narrow horizontal band - aka the grey squiggle - that spans the top of the art-beat website is a link to the shop. It appears there with my profile, but with smartphone users in mind in particular, it also serves as a one-touch link to the shop. 

Update April 2024

Still going. Even sold some stuff, though annual earnings haven't quite reached the dizzy heights of the paper round I did when I was 15 or 16 years of age. Interesting to note, however, what sells - and shipping destinations. Most popular images are cartoons printed on T-shirts and stickers; some so-called serious work has been sold on stationary. Popular (a relative term) destinations include the USA and Germany. Bigger sales would always be nice of course, especially with charity in mind, but I was never in it "just" for the money.


Themes I've enjoyed drawing and / or painting  most in recent years include Blokes on Spokes (BoS) and the Teddington Lunch Club (TLC) which have been inspirational and on occasion some might say amusing. My Fish Phase has also proved a fairly rich source of ideas, though I appreciate it's a matter of taste. Isn't it all? 

Perhaps I should point out my main focus since I last wrote has been my blog A Hundred and One Little Histories, which since receiving positive feedback on my  posts on Facebook I've been reviewing and editing in consideration of direct publishing on Kindle.  It's been quite a slog, but I'm close and almost ready to engage with a few friends who have kindly agreed to proof read for me. Hopefully I'll have some further updates to offer here in the months to come.  

David, (you can call me Arkwright), April 11th 2024

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