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Hair force

Writer's picture: Dave GobleDave Goble

As a man I feel duty-bound to report on, and warn of, strange and slightly unnerving physical changes to the body that I noticed starting in my early forties. Clearly our body clocks will vary person-by-person, but I'm sure (I hope) my experiences are not that unique. For me, to date, they have all been to do with hair, though I realise there may well be more gruesome tales out there. Anyway, from my observations I can tell you (men only?) that hair will start to grow where it didn't before! Watch out for ear holes and earlobes. Watch out too for rampant growth in the nostril area. And for the odd rogue hair amongst otherwise well-behaved eyebrows. To cap it all, this is going on at the same time (for some) that hair seems less inclined to grow where it should, i.e. on the top of the head. 

What's that all about? 

Is it the result of a huge energy drain caused by pumping out great new forests of unwanted hair in previously uncharted territories? On the plus side, gathered together in a stylish bun on top of the head, all of that extra new hair may go some way to hiding a balding pate.

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